telf: 617574157 telf mexico (52) 55 355 84336
Digital designer with 15 years of working experience designing visual materials and developing products that solve people needs. Passionate about telling stories and solving problems, I use design thinking methodologies to deeply understand the needs of the stakeholders to build an innovative user experience delivered by a digital product.
I love creativity and innovation, design thinking methodologies and human centered design processes.
I consider myself very creative and proactive, with high learning abilities and very resourceful.
For the development and product design I have specialized in the design thinking methodology, applying strategic thinking and putting at the service of the product and the user the tools that make it possible to achieve the objectives of each phase, and develop an innovative end-to-end solution.
This methodology allows us to know in depth the needs and behaviors of our users and our customers through the multiple techniques available that allow us to empathize with them to concretely define the problem we want to solve, or the POV. This problem focus helps us find areas of opportunity and devise innovative solutions to apply in the development of a prototype or MVP. The clear objective of each phase allows us also to iterate and redefine challenge assumptions and redefine problems and ideas to find the best solution.
In parallel, my experience developing customer journeys, blueprints, storyboards and other visual designs allows me to design quality derivables in each phase that improve communication and stakeholder involvement.
Each phase requires the use of various specialized tools to achieve the defined objectives, from planning, research and qualitative analysis to obtain insights or people-centered design, to the visual design and prototyping of the MPV ready for testing with users.
Thank you!